
Account Manager for Microsoft 365

Change history

Version : – Release date : 05/20/2024

New Feature: Compliance and Bulk Inheritance change
New graphisms (logo, icons, …)
Change AD Connect to Entra Connect
Tier 0 compatibility, review AD credential for all changes
More popups when apply or not
Improved error handling
Visual indicators on synchronized OUs
Optimizing the msi package


Version : – Release date : 08/14/2023

New Feature: Backup/restore user’s AD informations
Disable OU edit manually
Debug Active Directory : empty attribs
Debug SMTP Copy: copy to mail attrib
New windows colorization
Resize Splashscreen
Set defaut filenames in export or save options
Colorize logs informations in SMTP and UPN tabs
Modify Tips AD and ADConnect tabs
Add Tips in UPN and SMTP tabs
Add icons on tabs and buttons


Version : – Release date : 01/22/2023

Activation of the Help button in the license key management interface.
Removed the Tools menu.
Re-disposition of the UPN interface.
Display of the Splash screen at launch.
Fixed display of Remove SMTP tab options when changing navigation.
Fixed SMTP suffix list.


Version : – Release date : 01/15/2023

Simplified UPN suffix removal system.
Changed the aesthetics of the UPN tab.
Improved and fixed tab navigation.
Added update detection on startup.


Version : – Release date : 01/08/2023

Fixed bug on custom synchronization interval.
Minor modification on the display.


Version : – Release date : 01/05/2023

Fixed paths for writing logs.
Changed and fixed SMTP removal process.
Added explanation on SMTP deletion.
Fixed AD credential tests.


Version : – Release date : 11/28/2022

Changed the aesthetics of the home page.
Improved SMTP copy.
Added application log file.
Improved startup performance.


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